Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Learning and Instructional Delivery Strategies

In Chapter 20 of Lee & Owens, two major learning strategies are introduce. These learning strategies are deductive and inductive. Deductive learning means that the students will draw general conclusions from specific information, and inductive means that students will draw specific conclusions from general information. The intsructional delivery strategies are lecture or linear presentation, followed by lecture, recitation, and interaction, which is a deductive learning style. Lecture and discussion which presents information and then questions that will elicit responses froms students, then lecture and demonstration. Demonstrations gives students the ability to see the concepts of the lecture. Next is guided learning and open exploration in which situations are created and students must explore them and raise their own questions. Next is brainstorming which brings about all possible ideas about a project assuming some of the following rules are implemented. The purpose of brainstorming is to generate ideas, all ideas are acceptable, no criticism allowed, everyone partcipates, and point out any violations. Following brainstorming is games, or more specifically carefully constructed situational games. The next delivery strategies include role playing and simulation, followed by performance support.

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