Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Learnging 2007 Elliot Masie

After watching Elliot Masie's video on Learning 2007, I found it interesting that learning has changed so many things. Elliot makes some interseting points in the video when he says that when we as learners see someone else "learn well' it impacts us and changes us in a way that our own learning performance is enhanced. How then are companies going to use learning to steer their performance? The content of learning is becoming much shorter in the sense that what used to take 3 days to traverse through a manual now only takes 1 to 2 days with viewing and listening via technological advancements. Elliot also states that collective intelligence is also making a big push, citing "Wikinomics" as an information guide to wiki's. The learners are also changing in the workplace, some are younger just out of college with no work experience and othes are much older, working well past the 'retirement age'. The question is how do we caputer the knowledge of the older generation, make it immersive and usable for the younger generation, all while still meeting the business needs of the organization? It seems that there is no defining way to give your learners what they need, only that you must first acknowledge what they need to learn and provide it for them in a way that will benefit their experience. I wish that the Learning 2007 conference was simulcasted via internet; in a way I guess I could "learn" using technology over the internet.

1 comment:

Elliott Masie said...

Hi David... Enjoyed your comments. Yes, learning is really changing and we are changed by learning.

In order to focus on both the quality of in-person experience as well as the wider on-line experience, we do those for Learning 2007 sequential. As soon as the event is over, we post over 40 hours of video and audio from the event as well as hundreds of wiki pages.. in open source.. for the world to share and extend.

Warm regards
