Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Adult Learning Theory Chapter 7 Multimedia Based Instructional Design

I wanted to focus on task analysis in chapter 7 because task analysis has been the most interesting part of training to me, but when I read the chapter I found information on the adult learning theory. I find it interesting that even though adults learn quicker than children due to experiences in their life, they still revert back to child-like development when learning something knew. According to Owens, adults must have a direct relationship between the learned info and the real world where knowledge is used. Also, they want to be actively involved instead of listening passively. He also says that adult learners must have independence to learn including where they learn, what they learn, and how they learn. What I found most interesting though is that adult learners need privacy for learning and individualized, self-paced instruction. When we are children, a typical learning enviornment includes a classroom and 30 other students, however as adults we desire individualized learning at our own pace. Is this because we've experienced the differences between the two styles of learning? What does that say about our kids in school's today, would they also benefit from this individualized learning? Something to think about...

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