Sunday, August 26, 2007

Finish That Thought....About Software

1. The first productivity software program I ever used was ...

The first productivity software program I ever used was Microsoft Word '97. I was given a computer and it had the Microsoft Office '97 suite installed on it. I began using Microsoft Word in school around the same time so I was excited to try out my new skills.

2. The software program I use and know the best is ...

The software program I use and know the best is Microsoft Word 2003. I use this program for most of my documents and between all of my TSTM classes I have used almost every aspect of this program

3. One software program I would like to learn more about is ...

One software program I would like to learn more about is Microsoft Project 2007. I want to learn this software because I believe it will be beneficial to me later in my professional career when I am managing various projects in my work.

Thursday, August 23, 2007


This is my new blog for TSTM 544: Training Systems